*** online shopping... yesterday, i take a stab @ trying to order online without a credit card, I'm not sure if i messed it up and got the seller totally whackedout and confused, but i try my bestest to explain that - this is what i want... no more, no less... and i want it soon... hmmm, demanding end-user... hopefully they get my 1 order apiece right... am super-excited...!!! does it show???
*** doing mainbank calls... because the RES-queue has been super-kyuwing since the start of the year... and it's not an exaggeration to say that "RESQ is the new mainbank"
*** posting comments on friends' sites... i used to be super-conscious of what to say, because i might end-up sounding either too profound and begging for an explanation, or a complete jackass, or worse - just plain, super-lame...
*** not having too much coffee in a shift without exploding and acting like someone from hell incarnate...
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