Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Soul Food...

one of these days i will be reprimanded for internet theft... not really... i do not get monetary gain from my mundane hobbies as surfing, blogging and grabbing... in fact i tend to lose -- a lot... a lot of time that is... then again, is it really time lost when learning is gained...? we'll never know... all we have is our physical body that we drown in vice/s and do we do the same to our minds...? life today, seems close to overflowing... we seem to be moving too fast, and too close to destruction... i have not met anyone yet, who has learned to breathe in a manner that is truthfully light, i have yet to meet that person... :)

even our thoughts run @ the speed of light... and our dreams ride a bullet train to mars... slow down, slow down, slow down...

btw, i was going to show this article...

79.1 Five Kinds of Dharma Body

In Cheng Yen sect, all teachings are established on the ground of Buddhas, i.e. the manifestations of the Dharma Body of Buddhas as the results of the cultivation of Buddhahood. There are five kinds of Dharma Body, which are all incorporated in the Dharma Body of Vairocana Buddha, covering all Buddha and Bodhisattva in ten directions and in three periods, deities and dragons, gods and ghosts, sentient and non-sentient beings and all others.

They are:

  • Dharma Body of Self-nature [自性法身] -- the real body of all Buddhas, which is the nature of Dharmas and the ration of all. It is naturally perfect and complete, permanent in all times. It is the source where the Dharma of Three Mysteries comes out.
  • Dharma Body of Self-enjoyment [受用法身] -- There are two kinds, one is self-use and the other is use for others. The former is his own body, which corresponds to the ration/law. The latter is the appearance of the body for the sake of teaching the Bodhisattvas in ten stages, which corresponds to the wisdom.
  • Dharma Body for Transformation [變化法身] -- For the sake of probationary Bodhisattvas and those in Two Vehicles, the Buddhas appear their magnificent bodies in order to explain the Dharmas certified with personal experience.
  • Dharma Body for Equal Spreading [等流法身] -- This body is delivered equally for the beings in the other nine realms. The body is appeared in the same form of the beings, which will be taught of the Dharmas in accordance with their interests and understanding.
  • Dharma Body of Dharma Realm [法界身] -- The Dharma Body of The Buddha consists of Six Essential Elements, pervading the entire Dharma realm in all directions.

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